We have received reports that some of you are having difficulties collecting Sticker Sets and Lottery Tickets for the 12th Anniversary event. No worries, as we've listed down some information on how these posts work.

Sticker Sets:

  • Players can only post and receive 5 per 18 hours regardless of how many clicks their post gets.
  • Only the player who posted it will get a Sticker Set after the other players click the post.

Lottery Tickets:

  • Players can only post and receive 1 per 24 hours regardless of how many clicks their post for Lottery Ticket gets.
  • Only the player who posted it will get a Lottery Ticket after the other players click the post.
  • If the post has been clicked by another player, other players that will click it may receive a message containing "Sorry farmer, other farmers beat you to this reward! The early bird gets the worm". This means someone has already clicked the post.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.