If you are level 15 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on the “Learn More” button to get started.
Building your Standard Sprinkler:
To build the Standard Sprinkler, you will need to collect the following items:
- Sprinkler Heads
- Valves
- Water Tubings
Once you have collected the required items, click on the “Start Building!” button at the bottom of the construction Menu.
Now that the Standard Sprinkler is almost complete, you will need to hire Friends to help you finish the job.
Getting Started:
How many things can I Water at once?
- Trees & Groves: You can water anything covered within the AoE (Area of Effect) of a Sprinkler. For example, if you place Trees or Groves within the AoE of the sprinkler, you will be able to Water everything that is in that particular area.
- Crops & Fields: You can water up to 9 Crops using the Standard Sprinkler. Placing Fields in the covered area of the Sprinkler will have the same effect.
There are two different ways you can use the Sprinkler:
- Water Painting Mode
- Manual Clicking Mode
Water Painting Mode: In order to use the Standard Sprinkler in Water Painting Mode, you must have enough Water in your HUD (see image below) or Wells relative to that particular area (Crops, Trees, or Grove).
Note: If you do not have enough Water (HUD and Wells), you will be notified by a message.

Note: If you run out of Water from your HUD, your Standard Sprinkler will automatically harvest from your Wells.
Manual Clicking Mode: In order to use the Standard Sprinkler in the Manual Clicking Mode, you must have enough Water in your HUD (see image above), Wells, or Water in your Inventory relative to that particular area (Crops, Trees, or Grove).
Once you’re ready to use the Standard Sprinkler in the Manual Clicking Mode, simply right click it, and then drag and drop it in close proximity to the area (AoE) that you’d like to Water (see image below). Click the Standard Sprinkler to activate it and watch the water spout out!
If you do not have enough Water to use over a particular area, you will be notified in the game.
Note: Similar to the Beehives, you can place the Standard Sprinkler over Crops (see image above).
Helpful Tip: Use the Water Painting mode to Water your Crops, Trees, and Groves as efficiently as possible.
Additional Information:
- Your first Standard Sprinkler is free, but you can purchase additional Sprinklers (Standard, Deluxe, and Super Deluxe) in the General Store.
- Deluxe Sprinklers give out 1 Free Water per use at random while the Super Deluxe Sprinkler gives out 2 Free Waters when used randomly.
- Hover your cursor over the Standard Sprinkler if you want to see how much time you have left until you can use it again (Manual Clicking Mode only).
- If you lack any requirements (such as not having enough Water), the game will tell you what you are missing.