When you unlock the Appaloosa River Expansion to the right of Camarillo Country, you will reveal the Crop Dryer.
At first, it will look like a small pile of boxes. Click on it, and then you will see the following pop-up. Click on the “Finish Building” button to get started.

Building the Crop Dryer:
Your first step is collecting construction parts. You will need the following items to start building your Crop Dryer:
- Fan Blades
- Fan Engines
- Metal Chutes

Once you have collected the required items, click on the “Start Building” button at the bottom of the construction Menu.

Inside the Crop Dryer:
Click on the Crop Dryer to open the main menu. This menu shows all of the wet Crops (Water Crops) you currently have available to dry and how much Fuel you have.

Fueling your Dryer:
Crop Drying is no easy task without the help of some powerful Fuel. In order to dry your wet Crops, you will need to fill your Dryer with Fuel. Every time you use your Crop Dryer, it will deduct from your Fuel reserves. The amount of Fuel you have left can be found at the bottom of the Dryer menu.
Out of Fuel? There are a few different ways to get more:
- Ask your friends to send you Fuel
- Purchase Fuel Packs for Farm Bucks
- Give it some time— Fuel for your Crop Dryer gradually replenishes itself over time.
You can obtain Fuel from asking your Friends for help or purchasing it in the General Store.
Click on the “Ask” button to send requests for Fuel to your Neighbors. If you do not wish to wait for your friends, you can purchase Fuel in the General Store for Farm Bucks.
Using the Crop Dryer:
Once your menu is open, drying wet Crops (Water Crops) is easy. Clicking on an item will dry it and clicking on the green button (B.) will dry as many of your wet Crops (as your Fuel supply will allow) with one click. You can view the total amount of wet Crops in your Inventory above the green "Dry Max Possible" button (C.) The total amount of Fuel you use will decrease from the bar (A.) at the bottom of the Crop Dryer menu. Every time you click on a wet Crop, it (dried Crop) will be added to your Inventory.
Additional Information:
- You are limited to one Crop Dryer per Farm.
- You can only sell dried Water Crops and finished products in your Market Stand.