Now it’s time to claim those well-deserved prizes! Go to the State Fair Awards Ceremony by clicking the State Fair Wagon. Upon clicking the Wagon, a pop-up window will show you your total State Fair Points.

Click the "Get Rewards" button to attend the Awards Ceremony. In the ceremony, the top 4 Farmers will go up on stage for the awarding and will go to their respective rank. Click the "Open Boxes" button to claim your prizes.

To open the Prize Box, click the Prize Box at the bottom. The top 3 Farmers will move up to the next League, will get the most Prize Boxes and also better prizes.

Click the "Get Rewards" or "Get & Share button" to go back to your Farm.

Note: Prizes vary depending on the Farmer’s rank. If you got an animal from the Prize Box, you will be on placement mode when you go back to your Farm.