For players having problems with items missing, please note that this will be subject to investigation and validation. We commonly receive reports about the following:
  • Missing Animals
  • Missing  consumables (Fertilizers, Water, Speed-Grows, etc)
  • Missing decoration or building


Problems with missing Animals can be double checked on the Farm. You may try to check spaces between or behind decorations and buildings. You can also check your Inventory for those Animals that you just purchased but didn't appear on the Farm. Animals that are not successfully placed on the Farm after purchasing will go to Inventory, especially when you are at the limit already with the animals on your Farm. Missing Prized Animals can also be checked inside their corresponding Prized Animal storage building. You can check the building if the option inside is to automatically acquire those Animals that just turned into Prize. 
You can double check the count of your current consumable counter before making a purchase to make sure they are adding up. For missing building or decoration, normally loading issue is the reason. You may try to perform basic troubleshooting. You may also try to wait patiently for your Farm to completely load all the items on it.
Again, all items that are reported missing will be properly investigated and we'll do our best to resolve it as soon as possible for you.