Getting Started
How do I harvest crops?
To harvest your crops, all you have to do is click on them when they are ready. As your crops are harvested, they will pop up off th...
How do I water crops?
Click on planted crops that have the water drop symbol on them and they will be watered. Tip: Your water reserves will deplete as...
How do I plant crops?
First, click on the Market button in the lower-right corner of the game. Select the crop that you want to plant. After selecting a cr...
How do I add Plots?
If you would like to add more Plots to your Farm, use the “Plots” button, located in the Tools Menu. Just click on the area where you would ...
How do I complete Quests?
You can check the available Quests on the left-hand side of your Farm. You can also see the number of days left before the Quest expir...
How can I get Animals?
You can purchase Animals from the General Store with Coins and Farm Bucks. Open the Market and click on the “Animals” tab to browse through ...
How do I raise my animals?
All animals purchased in the General Store start out as babies—it’s up to you to raise them to adulthood! Baby animals don’t provide Resourc...
How do I take care of my Animals?
When an Animal is hungry, you will see a thought bubble with Feed above its head. If you place your mouse over a hungry Animal, you can see ...
Why do I not always get Fertilizers from feeding Animals?
Fertilizers are considered secondary item drop from the Animals. Each Animal has their own specific items to drop when we feed them. (e.g. W...
How do I increase my Animal limit?
As of the moment, our game is only limited to 55 Animals that we can place on the Farm. Limits are being controlled by the Troughs that we p...
How do I use the Market Stand?
When you click the Market Stand, the "Sell Your Goods" window will open. Just click on the items you want to sell to get them queued up. Onc...
How do I level up?
Once you have enough experience points, you will level up. The Level Up pop-up will show you the items you have earned with your new level, ...
Do I get Farm Bucks when I level up in FarmVille 2?
No. Each player initially receives 10 Farm Bucks to start with. Additional Farm Bucks can be purchased through various payment options. ...
How do I get Farm Bucks?
Farm Bucks are a secondary currency in FarmVille 2 that can be used to purchase items that you can’t get with Coins. To get Farm Bucks...
How does the Inventory work?
To access your Inventory, click the red cottage icon at the bottom of the screen. This icon is located to the right of the Market button. Yo...
How many items can I store in my Inventory?
There are specific items in our Inventory that has a limit on how many we can have. One good example that we normally request from friends o...
How do I use the General Store?
To access the General Store, click on the vegetable icon at the bottom of the screen. To help you find what you are looking for more easily,...
How do I unlock the Crafting Kitchen?
You will reveal the Crafting Kitchen when you unlock the expansion directly to the left of your starting farm (The Farmstead Kitchen). To ge...
How do I use the Crafting Kitchen?
After you open the Crafting Kitchen, you will see which recipes you are able to craft. The recipes available to you depend on a couple of th...
Why doesn't my quest progress advance when I feed an animal?
Please check that you are feeding the correct kind of animal. If the quest requirement asks for adult animals, prized animals won't count an...
Why am I not getting my Water rewards?
Some of our fellow Farmers are asking why their Water Rewards from Fishing are not adding up to their Water Meter. Please take note th...