What is Magic Power?
Each creature you have has a Magic Power, and higher level creatures have higher Magic Power. Your total Magic Power is the total of all the Magic Power from all your creatures added up.
Each creature you have has a Magic Power, and higher level creatures have higher Magic Power. Your total Magic Power is the total of all the Magic Power from all your creatures added up.
You can see a Creature's Power by selecting a creature, and looking by the scroll icon here:

What is Magic Power used for?
Magic Power is how you break the Binding Spell in garden to get more land!

Each section of Binding Spell has a certain amount of Magic Power you need before you can break it. This shows you how much you have versus how much you need. In this example, you have 25 Magic Power and need a total of 26 Magic Power to clear this spell:
How do I get more?
Merge creatures into higher level creatures. That will always be a net gain!
Play levels, and in the rewards, choose eggs and creatures to bring back to garden so you can hatch more new creatures, and merge ones you have!
Merge creatures into higher level creatures. That will always be a net gain!
Play levels, and in the rewards, choose eggs and creatures to bring back to garden so you can hatch more new creatures, and merge ones you have!
Open locked chests to find eggs and nests: