As you play, you will gradually earn Hunter Fame at the end of each match for the specific Hunter you played.

Under the Hunter Fame tab, you can track your Hunter Fame progress. Here, you'll be able to unlock Ability Upgrades, Costumes, Stickers, Victory Poses, Weapon Wraps, and Mastery Tiers.

Hunter Fame Grant Update

Currently when applying a Fame Grant you have two options:

  • 800 Fame (or any amount under 800)
  • All Fame

In Season 5 we are introducing a quality of life update which should make levelling specific Hunters easier to apply. The two new options will be:

  • The exact Fame required to level up (or any amount under the required amount)
  • All Fame

We hope this update improves your experience for applying Fame across your Roster!

Hunter Fame Scoring Update

Hunter Fame tuning has been updated for Season 5.

For Hunter Fame the majority of the Fame rewarded is based on win/loss and additional scoring is granted for player performance (a mixture of Badges and Action Based Scoring).

While winning and losing should have an impact on the overall Hunter Fame reward, we believe it is too punishing for players who engage and perform on the losing side. While on average the amount of Fame awarded per match should keep within a similar distribution, it will better award those players who engage and perform (eliminating, healing, playing the objective, supporting your team).

Match Based Outcome


Badge Fame Rewards

1* Badge520
2* Badge1040
3* Badge1560

Action Based Scoring Cap

ABS Cap350500