An Alliance is a social grouping of players who can communicate and play game modes cooperatively. You have to complete the game’s story Campaign through Chapter 5 to unlock the Alliance Hall.

Tap the Alliance Hall to open the window to Join an Alliance or Create your own Alliance. You can also use the Search option to look for the name of an Alliance you want to join.

Once you have joined or created an Alliance, you will see 2 Tabs (Hub and Members):

The Hub and Members tabs are located in the bottom-right corner of the Alliance screen.

The Hub tab will show the following:

  1. Alliance name
  2. Name of Alliance leader
  3. Alliance badge
  4. Top 3 Alliance members
  5. Other options
  6. Number of current online members
  7. Alliance total Might
  8. Alliance chatbox


The Members tab will show the following:

  1. Alliance Score
  2. Minimum Might requirement for joining the Alliance
  3. Alliance Type and preferred language
  4. Total number of members
  5. Alliance members
  6. Alliance leader


What is in the Alliance Other Options Menu?

  • If you are the Leader of the Alliance you will have the “Manage Alliance” option. The leader has all possible privileges, including both Member Management and Alliance Management.


    NOTE: Officers have Member Management privileges but not Alliance Management privileges

  • If you are a Member of the Alliance you will only have the “More” option. Members have no management powers


Alliance Rank

All players in the Alliance have a rank:

  • Leader
    • There is always a single Leader in the Alliance
    • The leader has all possible privileges, including both Member Management and Alliance Management
  • Officer
    • There are an arbitrary number of Officers in the Alliance
    • In general, Officers have Member Management privileges but not Alliance Management privileges
  • Member
    • There are an arbitrary number of members in the Alliance
    • Members have no management powers