The Alliance Legendary Assault is an exciting new mode available within your Alliance. Each day, unite with your Alliance to defeat the legendary enemy before time runs out. Gain points and rewards if you succeed! 


Note: The Legendary Assault is also available for newly created Alliances.

You can only attack the Legendary Enemy within the given timer. The Legendary Assault will reset after the timer ends, and a new enemy will appear with full HP.  In general, winning will increase the difficulty of future Legendary Enemies, and losing will decrease the difficulty of future Legendary Enemies.


Legendary Assault Energy

Each Legendary Assault battle will require you to use 1 Legendary Assault Energy. The Legendary Assault Energy automatically recharges over time.



You can locate the Leaderboard in the Legendary Assault tab. The Leaderboard is ranked based only on the highest Total Damage done to the current legendary enemy.  


Alliance members who have participated in Legendary Assault will receive exciting rewards! Rewards earned depend on your performance against the current Legendary Enemy. You can view the available reward tiers by tapping on the Rewards chest on the main screen. More difficult Legendary Enemies provide more valuable rewards.