Greetings House Leaders,
A new update has arrived! Read on to learn more about new features, tuning, and bug fixes for the newest Game of Thrones: Legends release!
New Night’s Watch Champions
Legendary Gold Fighter: Benjen Stark
The primary damage dealer of the Night’s Watch. His bonus damage is based on the power behind his shields, so providing him with more shielding can vastly increase his damage output.
Skill - First Ranger’s Strike (Fast)
Benjen deals 100% (175%) Depose damage to an enemy. If he has a SHIELD, he deals a bonus 300% (350%) SHIELD damage.
Passive - You’re Better Than No One
Once per turn, when an ally is Buffed, Benjen grants all allies a 2% (5%) ATK SHIELD.
Leader - It’s Not The Wildlings
At the start of combat, enemy Free Folk suffer a 10% ATK and 15% Accuracy Debuff for 10 (infinite) turns.
Legendary Green Protector: Yoren
He’s the faction’s tank, spending the early match gaining shields. Once an ally falls, Yoren will taunt enemies into his massive shield pool to soak damage for everyone else, while healing them to keep them in the fight.
Skill - Nick The Artery (Slow)
Yoren strikes an enemy for 100% (150%) Sustained ATK damage for 3 turns and grants himself a 10% (20%) Sustained ATK SHIELD for 3 turns.
Passive - Don’t Look
Yoren begins combat with a permanent 10% (15%) Physical Resistance Buff. When an ally is defeated, Yoren TAUNTS the enemy team for 6 turns. (If the defeated ally was a member of the Night’s Watch, Yoren gains a 15% Max HP SHIELD)
Leader - I Always Hated Crossbows
Enemy Marksmen begin combat with a 20% ATK Debuff for 10 (infinite) turns.
Epic Violet Strategist: Will
Will helps supplement the Night’s Watch DPS with his follow-up strike scaling with shield power, similar to Benjen. He also applies Scout to enemies to let his team deal extra Gem damage. As a primary Night’s Watch damage dealer, your enemies will be tempted to defeat him fast, but his defeat will benefit his remaining team.
Skill - Follow The Tracks (Very Fast)
Will deals 50% (100%) ATK damage to an enemy. If he is SHIELDED, he deals a bonus 200% (300%) ATK damage and SCOUTS the target for 2 turns.
Passive - I Saw What I Saw
When Will is defeated, all allies gain a 10% Current HP SHIELD (HP Pool). (All SCOUTED enemies remain so for the rest of combat)
New Greens Champions
Epic Violet Marksman: Scorpion Commander
He’s got a singular role… kill dragons.
Skill - Piercing Bolt (Slow)
The Commander deals 200% (300%) ATK damage to an enemy. If the target is a dragon, they take an additional 25% (40%) damage for each BIRTHRIGHT on the Commander.
Passive - Dragon Slayer
The Commander begins combat with 8 (10) BIRTHRIGHT and 75% Stamina. At the start of each turn, he attacks a random enemy. If the target is a dragon, the Commander deals 10% (15%) damage for each BIRTHRIGHT he has.
Epic Green Strategist: Greens Banner Man
Your Greens team doesn’t seem to have lasting power in the Campaign? Bring him along and put a little late pep in the Greens’ step!
Skill - Keep The Faith (Fast)
The Banner Man grants all allies 1 BIRTHRIGHT and a 15% (25%) ATK Buff for 2 turns. He then sacrifices up to 4 (1) BIRTHRIGHT. If he does, all other allies gain 1 bonus BIRTHRIGHT.
Passive - Banner Of The True King
The Banner Man begins combat with 8 (10) BIRTHRIGHT and 75% Stamina. When an enemy is defeated, the Banner Man recovers 5 (10) BIRTHRIGHT.
Common Gold Marksman: Skyfire Marksman
The longbow of this sniper is designed to find the weakness and strike hard.
Skill - Sour Notes (Slow)
Strikes an enemy for 75% (100%) ATK damage, with a bonus 30% (50%) ATK damage for each BIRTHRIGHT on the Marksman.
Passive - Don’t Let Up
Begins combat with 8 (10) BIRTHRIGHT and 75% Stamina. Upon landing a Critical Strike, the Marksman gains 2 (4) BIRTHRIGHT.
Common Blue Protector: Vicious Vanguard
This frontline smasher has very high survivability, even for a common Champion. His depose damage falls off over the battle, so don’t count on him finishing anyone off.
Skill - Lead The Charge (Very Slow)
The Vanguard strikes a foe, dealing 275% (300%) Depose damage and then dealing a bonus 25% (40%) DEF damage for each BIRTHRIGHT he has.
Passive - Fearless Frontline
Begins combat with 8 (10) BIRTHRIGHT, 75% Stamina, and TAUNT for 7 turns. At the start of a turn, if the Vanguard is TAUNTING, he gains +20% DEF for that turn.
Champion Tuning
Aegon II Targaryen
Aegon’s power is now more controlled - less burst, better consistency, and more room for non-Greens teams.
ATK: 2,633 → 2107
DEF: 2,383 → 2684
HP: 6,270 → 6,834
Damage: 125% (175%) → 175% (250%)
ATK Buff: 5% (10%) for 5 turns → 2% (5%) for 2 turns
Stamina Buff: 8% (12%) → 7% (10%)
Targeting: Only allies with BIRTHRIGHT → All allies
Aemond Targaryen
Aemond still hits like a hammer - but now, he’ll have to work harder for his next swing.
Speed: Normal → Slow
Damage: 15% (25%) → 25% (40%)
Damage per BIRTHRIGHT: 35% (60%) → 25% (50%)
BIRTHRIGHT: 3 (5) → 1
Trigger: When Aemond lands a Critical Strike → When any ally lands a Critical Strike
Alicent Hightower (The Green Queen)
Alicent still fuels the Greens, but now even she will tire - while hitting harder to secure their early lead.
Damage: 10% → 25%
Damage per BIRTHRIGHT: 15% (30%) → 25% (40%)
HEAL: 15% (25%) → 15% (30%)
HP Sacrifice: 10% → 15% (10%)
Stamina gain: 20% (25%) → 15%
Otto Hightower
Otto now supports all allies - not just Greens - while trading speed for resilience.
ATK: 2,508 → 2,257
HP: 5,768 → 6,395
Speed: Slow → Very Slow
Stamina per BIRTHRIGHT: 5 (7) → 5 (8)
Now grants Stamina per BIRTHRIGHT on Otto instead of BIRTHRIGHT on each ally.
Sunfyre retains his power, but like all Greens, he’ll slow down as the battle progresses.
Damage: 50% (70%) → 50% (75%)
Fire Resistance Debuff Duration: 3 turns → 2 turns
Stamina Gain: 15% (20%) → 10% (15%)
Night’s Watch
Faction Bonus
Bonus SHIELD power: 5% / 10% / 25% → 5% / 10% / 15%
Alliser Thorne
More reliable shielding and stronger team synergy - but with a slower pace and a heavier cost.
Speed: Very Fast → Fast
Friendly Fire Damage: 10% (5%) ATK Physical Damage → 15% (10%) Current HP True Damage
Ally Shield: 43% (91%) → 50% (100%)
(New) DEF Buff now applies to any ally who has a SHIELD destroyed.
DEF Buff: 15% (25%) for 3 turns → 5% (10%) for 2 turns
SHIELD: 7% (9%) HP Pool with 10% accuracy → 2% ATK with 100% accuracy
Stronger shields, more healing, and better self-sustain - Craster endures, no matter the cost.
Damage: 75% (125%) → 125% (175%)
SHIELD power: 15% (20%) → 20% (25%)
HEALING: 5% (10%) → 10% (15%)
SHIELD: 7% (15%) → 10% (15%)
(New) Now REMOVES 1 ICE from Craster
Chance to remove Debuffs from Craster: 50% → 100%
Samwell Tarly
Sam’s support grows stronger - better ICE removal, more debuff cleansing, and a leader ability that now properly punishes the undead.
SHIELD: 17% (37%) → 25% (40%)
REMOVE Debuffs chance: 50% (100%) → 75% (100%)
(New) REMOVE 1 ICE from all Night’s Watch allies.
REMOVE Debuffs chance: 20% (30%) → 20%
(New) Night’s Watch allies have a chance to REMOVE 1 bonus Debuff.
HEALING: 5% → 5% (7.5%)
HEALING: HEAL SHIELDED allies at the start of each turn → HEAL allies anytime Sam REMOVES a Debuff from allies.
DEF Debuff: 30% for 6 (infinite) turns → 15% for 6 (infinite) turns
(New) When an enemy REINFORCES the battlefield, Sam strikes them for 15% HP Pool damage.
Free Folk
More reliable Scouting, stronger damage, and a sharper eye in battle.
Damage: 130% (208%) → 150% (225%)
SCOUT chance: 50% (75%) → 75% (100%)
SCOUT duration: 4 turns → 3 turns
SCOUTING: 50% chance for 2 turns → 100% for 1 turn
Damage: 64% (123%) → 75% (125%)
Accuracy Buff: 15% for 4 turns → 30% for 5 turns
REMOVE STEALTH: 4 turns → 5 turns
Tormund Giantsbane
More reliable shield-breaking, smarter targeting, and a new way to crush tanky enemies.
Damage: 100% (181%) → 75% (125%)
SHIELD damage: 33% (100%) → 75% (125%)
Targeting: Now intentionally targets any enemy whose SHIELD is destroyed.
Damage: 75% (300%) → 50% (100%)
(New) Leader
When an enemy Protector drops below 50% (and 25%) HP, Tormund strikes them for 50% ATK Physical Damage and reduces their DEF by 25% for 3 turns.
Wun Wun
More power at lower Star Ranks - Wun Wun’s strength is felt sooner.
Speed: Slow → Very Slow
Damage: 149% (410%) → 350% (475%)
DEF Buff: 5% (10%) for 3 turns → 15% (25%) for 4 turns
SHIELD power: 30% (50%) → 35% (50%)
STEALTH: 5 (infinite) turns → 10 (infinite) turns
Wildling Wolf Slayer
Stronger against beasts, and best paired with them. Dragons, take heed!
Damage: 45% (85%) → 50% (100%)
Bonus Damage: 45% (85%) → 100% (150%)
(New) Bonus damage and Dodge Buff can now affect dragons
Dodge Buff: 15% (30%) → 25% (40%)
Triarchy Master Archer
Gem Affinity: Blue → Gold
Triarchy Mariner
Gem Affinity: Blue → Red
Bug Fixes
Alliance Legendary Assault Fixes
- Legendary Assault rewards will now show when a player has opened the Alliance screen
Champions and Enemies Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Stone Crow Bowman's defeat animation did not play correctly
- Fixed an issue with Sansa's final Skill upgrade adding to the ATK/DEF buffs instead of number of turns
- Fixed an issue with the Servant of the Drowned God's passive showing incorrect REMOVE debuff upgrade amounts
Gameplay Fixes
- Updated tooltips for ICE and BRITTLE to properly display the new values.
- Fixed position of first tutorial battle to prevent enemy from clipping off the screen on some devices.
- Added tooltip icons for BIRTHRIGHT and PACIFY
- Fixed issue with enemy character fade in and fade out animations
- Fixed an issue where new enemies were not spawning in after a round
- Fixed an issue with shield breaking effects where they were triggering more frequently than intended.
- Fixed an issue where buff trigger champions were reacting to shield and stamina increases.
Campaign Fixes
- Fixed a small UI issue with Skill Books rewards.
Raids Fixes
- Enemy team AI updated with improved skill targeting.
Trials Fixes
- Fixed some small issues with the 'Trial Complete' message after completing a Trial.
Coming Soon
Keep an eye out for our Boltons/BLEED update coming in the near future - this will be accompanied by its own Dev Diary.
We now begin our assessment of the Targaryens, Lannisters, Free Cities, Baratheon, and Brotherhood factions. We’ll be sure to keep the community updated with our plans for these factions in the near future.
– The Game of Thrones: Legends Team