• Launch Zynga Connect.
  • After launching the app for the first time, please review Zynga’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You can click “Accept” once you are ready to proceed to the next step.
  • After you are on the page, a list of available Zynga games will be loaded.
  • Choose the game you want to download and tap on it for more information.

  • Scroll down through the game page to see descriptions, screenshots, specifications, content age rating, and more.
  • Tap the Get (Install) button and you will be prompted to trust downloads from the Zynga Connect app from the “Settings

  • Once you've allowed downloads, a system prompt to download the app will appear.
  • Tap the “Install” button on the system prompt to complete the download.

  • Once the installation is complete, you can select Launch to access your game or view all your downloaded games through the App Gallery or the Zynga Connect app.

The whole process can be viewed here: