1. Manage your own profile - Select "Edit Profile" if you want to make changes with the following:
Photo- You can use your current FB profile photo or pick one from our Avatar library

What’s on your mind - This is a short description of your mood today

Name- Editable section where you can add your name/nickname

Location- Editable section where you can enter your location

Gender-  Editable section where you can add your gender

2.Viewable section:
VIP Tier - This is your current VIP level in the game
LL Member Since - This is the year that you joined the Loyalty Lounge

Loyalty Lounge ID - This is your network ID if you have joined the Loyalty Lounge
Level- This is your current game level
Favorite Machine - The machine that has the most spins in the last 30 days
Biggest Win - The biggest winning coin amount you had in the past 30 days