By design, Lucky Card Pack rewards are given real-time once a task or challenge is completed. When this happens, a 'Congratulations!' pop-up appears on your screen.

Tapping 'Collect' triggers the start of the animation wherein the Lucky Cards contents of the Lucky Card Packs are un-bundled and displayed on the screen. For the example pop-up above, two batches of Lucky Cards were un-bundled and displayed via animation.

Duplicate Lucky Cards go to the Extra Stars (duplicate) Stack, while 'New' Lucky Cards are automatically added to the Card Stack where it belongs.

When a Card Stack gets completed, a reward pop-up appears on your screen and coin rewards are collected.
When all the Card Stacks are completed, an Album Completion reward pop-up appears and a huge amount of rewards can be collected.

Once all Card Sets are completed, a new Album is made available to allow the collecting of Lucky Cards.

When applicable, a Lucky Card achievement trophy gets unlocked and a reward pop-up appears on your screen.
Notes: Once the animation starts, Lucky Cards are automatically added to accounts.