What is "Daily Challenges Deluxe"?
Daily Challenges Deluxe is a set of fun challenges you can complete in order to collect prizes.

What are the prizes that I can get for completing challenges?
Completing a challenge grants you a Credit prize and adds progress to the Prizes meter in the "Prizes" tab.

What are "Daily Challenges"?
These are easier challenges you can complete for prizes each day. Completing a Daily Challenge rewards you with a small Credit prize. In addition, each completion of a Daily Challenge grants you with a few "Deluxe Points", which add progress to the Prizes meter in the "Prizes" tab.

You start each day with a few Daily Challenges, and every day a new set of Daily Challenges becomes available for you to complete. Each Daily Challenge expires and resets every 24 hours.

What are "Seasonal Challenges"?
These are harder challenges that you can complete for prizes over the course of a Season. Completing a Seasonal Challenge rewards you with a large Credit prize. In addition, each completion of a Seasonal Challenge grants you a lot of "Deluxe Points", which add progress to the Prizes meter in the "Prizes" tab.

You start each season with a few Seasonal Challenges, and each week a new set of Seasonal Challenges becomes available for you to complete. All Seasonal Challenges expire and reset at the end of each season.

What is a Season?
A Season typically lasts for one month, and it determines how long you have until all of your Seasonal Challenges expire and reset. In addition, if you purchase an "Elite Pass", you will be able to collect "Elite Prizes" upon reaching certain milestones until the season is over.

At the end of each season, the Prize meter expires and resets with new prizes available to collect.

What is the "Challenges" Tab?
On the top right of the Daily Challenges Deluxe dialog, you can see two tabs - "Challenges" and "Prizes". The "Challenges" tab shows you all of your Daily and Seasonal challenges, including those that are available to complete and the ones that you have already completed.

What is the meter at the top of the "Challenges" tab used for?
The meter indicates how close you are to the next milestone on the Prizes meter, and what the reward is for reaching that milestone.

What is the "Prizes" Tab?
On the top right of the Daily Challenges Deluxe dialog, you can see two tabs - "Challenges" and "Prizes". The "Prizes" tab shows you how much progress you've made on the Prizes meter, the different milestones on the Prizes meter, and the prizes you receive for reaching each milestone.

What is the "Elite Pass"?
The Elite Pass allows you to collect "Elite Prizes", which are even better prizes earned by progressing and reaching milestones on the Prizes meter. The Elite Pass expires at the end of the season, which typically lasts for one month.

Do I have to buy "Elite Pass" at the beginning of the season?
No. You can buy the "Elite Pass" at any point during the season and collect ALL of the prizes for each milestone that you managed to reach; however, make sure that the season has not yet ended if you want to collect those prizes. Once the season is over, you will not be able to purchase the "Elite Pass" for the season that just expired, nor will you be able to collect any of the prizes for the milestones that you reached.

Some of the prizes in the "Prizes" tab have a lock on them, why is that?
These are "Elite Prizes" and they are available only to players who purchased the "Elite Pass" during the season. Once you get the "Elite Pass", all locks are removed and you are eligible to collect all of the prizes (both the free and the Elite) once you reach their associated milestones.

If you purchase the "Elite Pass" after you reach a milestone with an Elite Prize that had a lock on it, you will still be able to collect that Elite Prize retroactively.