What is Trail of Wonder?

Trail of Wonder is a multi-day event where your goal is to travel down the Trail of Wonder by collecting tokens. Tokens are earned by spinning on ANY machine. As you travel down the trail you will earn fabulous prizes!


How do I access the Trail of Wonder event?

To access the Trail of Wonder at any time during the event, just hit the button on the bottom menu shaped like the Trail of Wonder token.


How do I play the Trail of Wonder?

To travel down the trail and earn prizes, spin on ANY machine to collect tokens. Only qualifying bets over a certain value can earn tokens. As you collect tokens, you will unlock prizes. Bigger bets earn tokens faster. You can see how many tokens you have in the top left hand corner of the Trail of Wonder screen.


Progress down the trail is measured in tokens collected. Each prize has a token value needed to be unlocked. Tokens earned accumulate until you complete the event so your progress builds up with each prize earned!


What prizes can I win?

Prizes include:

  • Credits

  • Lucky Card Packs

  • Scratchers

  • Reward Chests

  • …and more!


What is the ‘Premium Pass’?

The Premium Pass allows you to collect Premium Prizes, which are visible on the top section of the trail. This means you get extra prizes as you travel down the trail! The Premium Pass lasts for the duration of the current Trail of Wonder event.


Do I have to buy the ‘Premium Pass’ at the beginning of the event?

No. You can buy the Premium Pass at any point during the event and collect ALL the prizes that you’ve reached by collecting tokens! However, the sooner you unlock the Premium Pass, the sooner you can use those rewards. Make sure you unlock the Premium Pass before the event ends or those Premium Prizes will be lost forever.


How long does Trail of Wonder last?

The duration of each Trail of Wonder event can vary but you can always see how much time is left in the current event by looking at the timer in the top right hand corner of the Trail of Wonder screen.