What is Ruby Pass?
Ruby Pass is a new way to earn rewards for doing exciting and varied tasks in the world of Wizard of Oz Slots! As an improvement on the Elite Pass feature, Ruby Pass will charge players with completing various daily & seasonal tasks in exchange for rubies. As you collect rubies, you’ll gain access to rewards. Purchasing a pass allows access to a second, much more valuable set of rewards that can be claimed by tapping on them!
How do I access Ruby Pass?
To access Ruby Pass, tap the button that says “Ruby Pass Deluxe.” This button will give you updates as you do tasks, such as feedback on how far you are from completing tasks, whether or not a reward is ready for you to collect, or when new challenges become available! Make sure you check in on your progress often and that you click to claim all of your available rewards!
Where do I get all of these rewards?
Open up the feature and click the Rewards tab - it’s that simple! All players can access the free rewards on the bottom path. These consist of all of the various rewards in the game, such as credits, gems, Lucky Card packs, and other assorted goodies. For Ruby Pass holders (or Deluxe Ruby Pass holders), there’s even more to collect on the top path!
Wait… Are there two deluxe passes now?
Yes! While you could only get one premium Elite Pass in the old feature, you now have even more ways to get huge rewards. The Ruby Pass provides a good value, but the new Deluxe Ruby Pass provides an even better value for the same amount of work. Pick whichever one you’d like for the season and watch your rewards stretch out as long as the Yellow Brick Road!
What’s the difference between Daily & Seasonal Challenges?
Similar to Elite Pass, Daily challenges are given out in batches of 5 every day. Each challenge will give you a few credits to spin with, and some rubies - or progress towards all of your rewards! Once you’ve completed all 5 challenges, you’ll get an additional reward for being diligent. You need to do all of your daily challenges before running out of time to earn this reward. Seasonal Challenges last the entire season long and new ones show up every few days throughout the season. While Seasonal Challenges only give rubies, they give a lot more than daily challenges! Make sure to do all the challenges you can to earn as many rewards as possible.
What are Unlimited Challenges?
Like the name states, Unlimited Challenges gives you an endless set of challenges to complete one at a time so you can earn more Rubies than ever before. If you’ve purchased either the Ruby Pass or the Deluxe Ruby Pass, you’ll unlock this new way of making progress toward your rewards. And the best thing? You can get progress towards all of these tasks at the same time! Talk about a bang for your buck.
What are Limited Time challenges?
Think of these like more difficult Daily challenges, except you have more than a day to complete them. The Limited Time challenge section will tell you how long you have to complete all 4 challenges in the set. Don’t worry if you run out of time; while you won’t be able to earn the rubies for any challenges you didn’t complete, you’ll get 4 brand-new challenges. These will add throughout the season to give you even more ways to win.
How do I get more Rubies?
Put simply - by doing challenges! Daily and Unlimited challenges aren’t worth as many rubies but are easier to complete. Limited Time challenges are harder, but give larger rewards and give you more time to complete them. And Seasonal Challenges continue to add to the game throughout the season. For players who purchase the Ruby Pass or Deluxe Ruby Pass, you’ll have even more Seasonal Challenges available.