Collect boosts to increase your rewards simply by betting! Boosts can give you a variety of rewards like free chips, faster Challenge Pass progress, increased Charge, and more!

How to Earn Boosts and Boost Spins?

Each betting round, when you place a qualifying bet at or above the indicated  bars, you earn a “boost spin” which is a chance to earn a boost, XP, or a currency like Chips or Gold. You can earn up to three (3) boosts spins per betting round if you have enough in your stack to do so.

Whenever you earn a boost, it will be added to your Boosts Inventory on your profile. Access it via your profile or by tapping the  icon at the table. Newly acquired, or powered-up, boosts will be marked with a glow. Each boost will have a duration of time or number of hands. Most boosts will have a number in bold which denotes the value that will increase when the power is increased.

What are Powering Up Boosts?

Whenever you collect a duplicate boost, the duration of that boost will reset, and most boosts will increase in power giving you even more rewards than before! The maximum possible power of a boost is determined by the stakes you play at and is noted by the number next to the . Higher stakes allow for higher-powered boosts!


List of all Boosts

Rakeback: Earn back some of the rakes whenever you win a hand. Yes, this is free chips!

A League of Their Own: Gain bonus league points to rank up faster.

Double Time: Earn 2x base and event watch points to unlock them sooner.

High Roller: Enjoy a bonus on all chip and gold purchases made.

Battery Charge: Maximize your charge with this increase to the amount of charge you earn each hand.

Fast Pass: Complete your challenge pass sooner with this bonus to challenge pass points earned from challenges completed while this boost is active.

Note: Some boosts may be unavailable at lower stakes.

Active Boost Badging:

High Roller:

  • Badge for the buy button in the lobby.


  • Badge for the buy button at the table.


  • Carousel for the buy page.



  • No purchasable items are badged individually.
  • No special treatment is given if the purchase limit is exceeded.

Battery Charge:

  • Badge for the charge meter at the table.

  • Badge for the charge meter at the collections screen (whether reached from the lobby or table).

Double Time:

We only badge in-progress watches. If you’ve completed a watch it won't be badged.

  • Badge for the watch (collections button) at the table.

  • Badge for the watch (collections button) at the lobby.

  • In progress watch tokens.

A League of Their Own

  • Badge for the lobby card.


  • Badge for the table button.

Fast Pass:

  • Badge for the challenge card at the lobby.


  • Badge for the challenge button at the table.

  • Badge for the level progress in hub/side-panel/challenge-pass-screen, Recolored Challenge Pass Points text, and Subscript denoting the bonus.

  • Badge for challenges that reward challenge points in hub/side-panel.


A badge should only be shown on completed challenges if there is a reward to claim. For example: