Zyngagames.com is designed to be a fun place for you to play with your friends as well as make new game friends. While we hope that everyone will get along as neighbors, we know that sometimes you may wish to distance yourself from some players. Below are some tips on how you can control what you are seeing and who you interact with on Zyngagames.com:

1. You can report any posts by placing your cursor over the content and clicking on the Flag that will appear on the right hand side.

2. When you click on links in posts you will be taken to sites outside of Zyngagames.com. Make sure to use your best judgment on these sites and be wary of any sites that ask for your Facebook password.

3. If you’re not getting along with any zFriend you may remove or block them by clicking on the links below their profile photo. Just remember, if you are neighbors with them in games you will need to remove them there too if you no longer wish to see them in the game.

4. If you’re uncomfortable with too many people seeing you, you can always limit your profile to only your zFriends by visiting your Settings.

Also, check out the following video on how you can play safe both on Zyngagames.com and Facebook: