Wonka’s Weekly Dash is a weekly competition wherein 20 players compete against each other. Those who finish in the promotion zone will move to the next division and be rewarded with prizes and perks.
To enter the promotion zone, players need to be in the top of their Leaderboard and score more than the minimum points required for promotion.
The total score comes from slot wins, big wins, bonus games and topper payouts. Topper payouts include Jackpot, Multi-jackpot, Bonus wheel, Mystery gift and Jawbreaker Jackpot.
Your position at the end of the Weekly Dash determines how many Coins you win!
A higher division means more Coins when collecting your bonus!
Important notes:
  1. Chests appear next to your names on the Weekly Dash Leaderboard when you are to receive the rewards. Top 6 players in the Promotion zone will be receiving rewards.
  2. Players can also access a video tutorial by clicking the “i” (info) button on the Leaderboard screen.