Zemi, the island Spirit, has decided to reward those who take good care of his island.

With this said, we will be rewarding you with presents simply by logging in and visiting Zemi's statue daily to make sure that your island is in ship-shape condition!

Not only that, present yourself to the island Spirit for a certain number of days that he demands and he will reward you with a grand bonus reward

• Number of visits may vary for each player.
• Items listed in the Rewards Calendar may vary based on player's level.

When does the Zemi's Daily Gifts reset?

Your Daily Gift resets 24 hours after claiming today's reward. You can see how long you'll have to wait using the timer located on the upper part of the Daily Gifts Calendar!

When does Zemi's Daily Rewards start again?

Zemi's Daily Rewards Calendar resets on the 21st day. This means that you have another chance of getting wonderful prizes daily, not to mention Zemi's grand bonus reward!