Shelly lives on a rock arch to the left of the Coral Reef. When she's ready to help you, she's awake and sitting up on the rock. Shelly's mission is to help you find Goods that you need.

Tap on Shelly and she'll offer to work for you for a set number of days in exchange for gems.
After you choose your option, tap on Shelly and she'll offer you a menu of Goods that she can look for. Scroll up and down to see everything available.
Tap on the item you want and tap Start Search.
Shelly hunts for what you need for a few seconds.
Tap on the item when you see it in the thought bubble above her head.
Shelly offers you a choice of how many of the items you'd like to buy. If you've changed your mind, tap on No, Thanks to cancel the request.
After you've chosen to purchase the item, Shelly swims for a few seconds to fetch it. When she's done, tap on the item to collect it.
After this hard work, Shelly naps until she's ready to help you again. The timer shows when she'll be available.