Goods can be crafted using Workshops. The type of goods that you craft depends on the Workshop.
For example, you can craft Fish Rolls at the Sushi Stand. In order to craft the item, tap on the Sushi Stand, scroll through the recipes on the right until you find Fish Rolls. The number indicates how many minutes the recipe will take to complete.
On the left, it shows you what ingredients are needed to craft this recipe. To begin crafting, drag the needed ingredients from the left onto the Workshop in the center.

The current item that is being crafted is in the far left slot with a timer showing how much longer it will take to complete.
You can choose different Goods to craft by swiping the recipes upward or downward. Recipes are unlocked by level.
Workshops can only craft one recipe at a time, but additional slots allow you to have more recipes in queue and ready to be crafted as soon as the previous one is done.
USE Gems! You can use Gems three ways to make crafting go more quickly and efficiently:
- use Gems to purchase missing ingredients
- use Gems to finish the recipe instantly
- use Gems to unlock more queue slots
QUICK-SAND! You can also use Quick-Sand to reduce the amount of crafting time that is left. You have a chance to get Quick-Sand by:
- opening chests at the Sunken Temple
- completing a Daily Request (daily quest)
Tapping on the greens arrows to the left or the right of the Workshop's name will take you to the crafting window of the next Workshop.
When the crafted item is finished, it appears on top of the Workshop with a sparkle effect. Tap on it to collect it.

Goods crafted in Workshops are stored in the Boathouse.