You've opened your Wildlife Center! Your goal is to raise awareness of and love for the wildlife of the island by Guests and others.
Ting is your Wildlife Guide. She manages the center for you and educates Guests to have respect for wildlife. She's a tremendous animal lover and shares your desire to see that the island's animals are happy and thriving. She can visit the other landmarks on the island, too.
Attract the island's wildlife to protected habitats and earn their love with nutritious wildlife Treats. Complete Wildlife Photo Missions to take souvenir photos that you sell to the Guests. Maintain a photo album of the animals that you discover at each habitat.
The more Wildlife Photo Missions you complete, the more chance you'll have to discover shy and elusive animals.
If you’re at least level 19, you will see a pop-up inviting you to the Wildlife Center. You’ll need to force-close the game to see the update, which means to clear it from your mobile device's memory. You may even need to reboot your device.
Ting is your Wildlife Guide. She manages the center for you and educates Guests to have respect for wildlife. She's a tremendous animal lover and shares your desire to see that the island's animals are happy and thriving. She can visit the other landmarks on the island, too.
Attract the island's wildlife to protected habitats and earn their love with nutritious wildlife Treats. Complete Wildlife Photo Missions to take souvenir photos that you sell to the Guests. Maintain a photo album of the animals that you discover at each habitat.
The more Wildlife Photo Missions you complete, the more chance you'll have to discover shy and elusive animals.
If you’re at least level 19, you will see a pop-up inviting you to the Wildlife Center. You’ll need to force-close the game to see the update, which means to clear it from your mobile device's memory. You may even need to reboot your device.
Early Open Feature:
Be the first among your friends to open the Wildlife Center and get bonus premium wildlife Treats!
If you don’t want to open the Center early, no problem – we’ll roll out this feature out to all players over the coming weeks.
Once your Wildlife Center has been opened, Ting will guide you through the steps of how to attract wildlife and take souvenir photos.
It costs Sand Dollars to open habitats, but Ting has brought the Sand Dollars you need for the Beach Habitat.

To see your current Wildlife Photo Missions, tap on the Wildlife Center. It shows you three missions within a certain time period. The goal is to obtain a required number of photos of specific animals. The number on the left shows how many photos you have of that animal, and the number on the right shows how many you need to complete that mission.
When you have the required number of photos, tap on Sell to collect the coins and rewards shown below the mission.

NOTE: Tapping on the animal’s photo gives information about the animal you’re looking for, which habitat it will come to, as well as its favorite wildlife Treat. Tap on the shortcut button to go directly to that habitat.
Tap on the Photo Album to open it and it will show you:
- the Habitats you’ve opened
- the animals you’ve found
- the current number of photos of each animal
- the animal’s favorite Treat
- the most likely of the random bonus rewards you may get for taking a photo of that animal (the chest will often give out useful storage parts!)

How do I collect photos of Wildlife?
Collect Wildlife Photos of your desired animals by using their favorite Treat to attract them to their habitat for a Photo Op.

Each Photo Op lasts for a certain amount of time, but you can use Gems to instantly complete the Photo Op.

You’ll see a 'Heart' icon above the Quest Clipboard icon once a Photo Op is done. Tapping on this Heart icon will take you to the completed habitat.

Once at the habitat, you’ll see hearts rising from the happy animal that has finished eating its Treats. This means the Photo Op is done. Tap on the animal to collect your photos and other rewards.

NOTE: There are special rewards that come only from wildlife, such as Sea Salt, Shrimp, and Acai Berries. You’ll find fun, new recipes that use these ingredients.
How do Wildlife Treats work? How do I get more of them?
There are four types of wildlife Treats, which attract different types of wildlife:
- Basic = attracts Friendly or random wildlife
- Tasty = attracts Friendly or Shy wildlife
- Delicious = attracts Shy or Friendly wildlife
- Exquisite = attracts Shy or Elusive wildlife
The friendly animals are the easiest to attract. The shy animals are harder to attract. The elusive animals are the hardest to attract.
To purchase the different types of Treats, you need:
- Basic = coins
- Tasty = Bronze Sand Dollars
- Delicious = Silver Sand Dollars
- Exquisite = Gold Sand Dollars
Sometimes you’ll receive Treats by opening chests in the Sunken Temple, completing quests (especially Ting’s quests), opening treasure chests as you expand on the island, or you can purchase more with Gems.
To buy Treats, tap on a habitat that isn’t currently in use. You’ll see the types of Treats and how many you have of each.
At the bottom of the screen, you’ll see a Buy button and a Mission button. Tap on the Buy button to open the Buy Treats window.
- the types of wildlife Treats
- how many of each Treat you have
- the animals that the Treat can attract to that habitat (the Basic Treat has a random chance of attracting any of that habitat’s wildlife)
- bonus multiplier that increases how many photos you receive
- what it costs to buy one Treat
This is the Buy Treats window for the Beach Habitat. As an example, using one Tasty Treat (the second one down) has a chance to attract either a friendly Seagull or a shy Flamingo.

How do I open Habitats?
You open Habitats by reaching a certain level in the game and by using Sand Dollars. Earn Sand Dollars by completing Helicopter orders or special orders on the Order Board.
You’ll receive new Wildlife Photo Missions and Ting quests after you open a new habitat. You’ll need to complete or skip the current Photo Missions before you’ll receive requests for animals from the new habitat.
Each habitat will attract its own unique set of wildlife.
The next habitat is the Arboreal Habitat, which becomes available at Level 22.