Diamond Challenges is a feature in which you complete special challenges to earn Diamond Challenges points and unlock rewards. New challenges will unlock each day, allowing you to earn even more points and rewards by playing the game.

What are the types of Diamond Challenges?

What are the types of Diamond Challenges?
There are two types of Diamond Challenges:
- Daily Challenges - three of the Challenges will reset every 24 hours.
- Infinite Challenge - it is a Challenge that doesn’t have a reset timer and will usually take 2-3 days to complete.
Spinning in any machine will contribute towards the progress of these challenges.
How do I progress with the Challenges?
Each Challenge will grant players a Challenge completion reward and Diamond Challenge points. Diamond Challenge earned from the challenges will fill the meter. Challenge completion rewards will be automatically granted to the players' game.

How do I progress with the Challenges?
Each Challenge will grant players a Challenge completion reward and Diamond Challenge points. Diamond Challenge earned from the challenges will fill the meter. Challenge completion rewards will be automatically granted to the players' game.

At different points in the progress meter, there are Milestone rewards along with a grand reward at the end of the progress meter. Players must manually collect the rewards, if there are any uncollected rewards when the event ends, players will lose those rewards.
What is a Diamond Challenge Pass?
There are two types of Diamond Challenge Pass:
What is a Diamond Challenge Pass?
There are two types of Diamond Challenge Pass:
- Gold Pass
- Free Pass