Simply play CSR 2 online and your progress will be automatically backed up to our servers.
We'll associate your profile with your Game Center (iOS) or Google Play Games (Android) account if you're signed into either account on your device. This means that you can sync your progress between different devices simply by logging into your Google Play Games or Game Center account on any device. Please note that
not possible to sync progress between different platforms (iOS to Android, or Android to iOS).
If you're not signed into Game Center or Google Play Games, we'll instead link your profile to your device. While this means you'll be able to restore your progress onto the same device, please be aware that you won't be able to transfer your profile to a new device - say, if your phone breaks, or gets stolen. For this reason we strongly recommend playing CSR 2 while signed into Google Play Games or Game Center.
Finally, if you want to be extra safe, we recommend making a note of your Player ID. This means that, even if you can't restore your profile for some reason, there's a good chance our support team will be able to! You can find your Player ID by opening the chat menu on the left side of the screen, tapping the silhouetted head icon at the top, and selecting "Profile". Your Player ID can be found at the bottom of this menu.