To see the leaderboard simply open up the club's menu and tap on the leaderboard tab.

Leaderboards are weekly competitions between Clubs to see who can earn the most Trophies.
Leagues represent your Club’s current level of performance on the weekly Leaderboard.
There are four Leagues - Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum and within each of these, there are multiple tiers except for Platinum.

Every week you’ll be placed on a leaderboard with several other Clubs in a race to earn the most Trophies. The top Clubs within the Promotion Zone at the end of the week will be promoted to the next League tier.
The higher you climb in the League rankings, the better the rewards. These winnings are granted to every Club member that earned Trophies that week.

On the flipside, if the Club falls behind in the rankings, then demotion is possible. Not to worry though, the next week your Club will have another chance at earning a promotion.

To sum up, earn Trophies alongside your Clubmates, finish at the top of the leaderboard, and earn the best rewards each week!