Club Coins:
Club Coins are a new, exclusive currency that you can earn as a reward from the Leaderboard.
Club Coins can be spent in the Club Store!
Club Coins can be spent in the Club Store!
Club Store:
The store is where you can spend your club coins on Powerups and Mystery Boxes or consider purchasing the new Club Profile frames and tiles styles to show off your club's status.
To see the club store, simply open up the club's menu and tap on the club store tab.
To see the club store, simply open up the club's menu and tap on the club store tab.

The Club Store is split up by individual League. Your current League determines which parts of the store are accessible and the higher your League, the more goodies you and your Clubmates can purchase.
Don’t stress! If your Club slips out of that League, you will keep anything you had already purchased.
We are adding lots of cool, exclusive items, so be on the lookout for new tile styles and profile frames in addition to the power-ups and Mystery Boxes you already know and love!
Some club items are only available during a Collection season. Club store tiles and profile frames may update every three months so get any ones you really want before they're gone!