Earn Cash Offers, how can I contact TapJoy Support?
Zynga has partnered with TapJoy to provide exclusive offers that allow you to earn Game Cash for your favorite games! If you feel you have c...
Billing Phone Support Hotline Coverage
You can access our Billing support by using the contact option from within your game application, and one of our Billing specialists will be...
Is the app free?
Absolutely! While there are paid versions of the application for mobile devices, which will allow you to bypass advertisements -- you are no...
What forms of payment can I use to purchase virtual goods?
In addition to accepting major credit cards and PayPal when purchasing, we also accept payment from several payment processors.We accept pay...
Why didn’t I receive purchased currency on my mobile device?
If you made a purchase and didn't receive your credits, please note that it may take up to 2 hours for your purchase to arrive in your game....
Will I be charged sales tax?
Many areas apply taxes to your Zynga purchases. If your area applies taxes to your Zynga purchase, the price displayed on the purchase ...
How do I request a refund?
Refund requests should be submitted to the original payment processor (ex. Apple for purchases made in-app on an iOS device), as provided be...
Why didn't I get the promotion?
You may have received a limited-time pop-up window for a promotion or sale in your game or on the add coin or cash page of the game. Promoti...
How do I redeem an Apple (iTunes) Gift Card and use the credits in my game?
An iTunes Gift Card is an alternative method of purchasing game credits. Below you can find information on how you can redeem and use your c...
What are Bundles and Frames?
You can purchase in the in-game store Premium Tile Style and Ad Free Bundles, and Custom Frames.Premium Tile Style features unique styles an...
How do I manage my Subscription?
Here are the steps on how to manage your Subscription:For iOSOpen the Settings appTap your Profile NameTap Subscriptions (If you don't see t...
How do I view my purchase history?
If you need to access your recent purchases on your devices, click on the link below based on the payment system you've used to make a purch...
How do I add, change, or remove my payment methods?
Please visit the links below to learn how to manage your payment information on the payment system or device you are using to make a purchas...
How do I enable additional security on my device for making purchases?
You can require a password for every purchase to help prevent accidental purchases on your device from apps and games. Below are links on ho...
What does "Free to Play" game mean?
Many of today's top mobile games are classed as "Free to Play". Free to Play means just that - you can download and play the whole game comp...
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