The Order Board shows the available orders you can fulfill to earn Coins and earn Reward Boxes. To view your orders, tap the Order Board on your farm.
Each order will reward you with a different number of Coins. A checkmark on the order means that you have the required items to fulfill the order.
You can tap the Reward Box next to the Coin meter to show the possible items that are contained in the next Reward Box.
The contents of the Reward Box will reset every 24 hours.
Once you have the required items, tap the Deliver button to complete the order.
Collect the required number of Coins to fill the meter. Once this is filled, the truck will come back with a Reward Box.
You can also choose to delete an order by tapping the Trash button.
Ask for Help:
If you do not have the required items to fulfill an order, tap the Ask For Help button.
The order you requested help for will be flagged with an Ask For Help icon. Please note that you can only request help for 3 orders at any given time, then the Ask For Help button becomes deactivated.
Your help requests do not expire, and the Ask For Help button will only become active again once an order is either fulfilled or deleted using the Trash button.
If you are a member of a Co-Op, your request for help will also appear in the Co-Op chat. Your neighbors can then click on the help request to visit your farm and help you out.
Once an order has been completed by one of your neighbors, tap the Deliver button.
Note: You will not receive a Coin reward from the order if it was fulfilled with help from your neighbors. You will still earn progress towards your Order Board Coin meter, however this progress will be slightly reduced compared to progress for an order you would have completed yourself.
To view neighbors who helped you complete orders, tap the Friend button on the left side of the game screen.
Next, tap the Last Helpers tab. You can proceed to tap on the Visit Farm button and leave your neighbor a gift.