The Galaxy is filled with thieves, and Glikkin thinks he’s one of the best. Whether sneaking into vaults for his latest score or stealthily approaching an enemy before an attack, he usually disappears before anyone knows what has happened. Hailing from the dark underbelly of Coruscant, Glikkin has been surrounded by crime since an early age. He grew up in an orphanage where the owners noticed his unique athletic and mental abilities and trained him to be a thief and score for the benefit of the other orphans.

While other Hunters might rely on brute strength or overwhelming firepower, Glikkin uses a cunning set of abilities to turn the tide of battle in his favor. Glikkin attacks enemies with his Dual Vibroblades in a 3-hit combo.

Glikkin’s first two attacks deal melee damage and the final attack deals increased combo damage. Glikkin can use his STEALTH Ability to render himself invisible to enemy Hunters for a duration of time, allowing him to get close and unleash fury with his Dual Vibroblades which deal high damage. He can also use his SLASH AND DASH Ability to jolt into battle, slicing any enemies in his path, before disappearing back into the shadows. 

But Glikkin isn’t just deadly in close quarters - he can also switch to his BLADE LAUNCHER to fire blades which can hit enemy Hunters from range with deadly precision. Finally, when Glikkin needs to make a quick exit and slow down enemies, he can use CALTROPS FIELD to fire a field of repulsor tech enhanced spiky caltrops that slows down and damages enemies if they move within it.