Mods are a new item in Star Wars: Hunters that will change a Hunter’s combat stats and can be used to power up your Hunter to best fit your playstyle!
Mods can be earned from:
- The Main Event
- Arena Pass
- Mods can also be bought with a new currency called Chips.
Mod Rarities:
- Rare
Rare Mods will add a single improvement to a specific stat such as Health, Damage, Recoil, Stamina, Damage Falloff distance, and more. - Epic
Epic Mods can provide two smaller modifications to stats or a larger change, but with an additional smaller tradeoff. - Legendary
Legendary Mods can provide multiple strong modifications to stats or multiple larger changes with tradeoffs.
NOTE: All Hunters will launch with 9 unique Mods, 3 for each rarity, and can equip up to 3 Mods each.
Mods can modify gameplay elements, such as a Hunters health, movement speed, reload duration, weapon spread, weapon recoil, damage, and more.
For example: Sacrifice some Combat speed for a large increase in Shield Damage
Mod Slot unlock requirements:
Mod Slot 1: 10 matches played
Mod Slot 2: Roster Rating 30
Mod Slot 3: Roster Rating 150
To equip Mods, tap on the Hunters tab and select the Hunter that you’d like to equip a Mod with.
In the Hunter’s Overview screen, tap on View Mods.
Each Hunter can equip up to 3 Mods. You can unlock the other 2 slots upon reaching certain Roster Ratings.
If you receive a Mod that you already own, it will be automatically converted to Chips.
From improving Rieve’s defenses during a match or doubling down on her damage, making Sentinels E-Web more accurate, or increasing his health at the sacrifice of speed; many different combinations and choices can be made for every Hunter. Improve their weaknesses or amplify their strengths, the choice is yours! We look forward to listening to your feedback on Mods!
Note: Additional Mods will be added in future updates. As with Hunter balance, existing Mods will also be balanced from Season to Season.