Konto og Innstillinger
How do I find my Player ID and PIN for Sugartown?
To find your Player ID and PIN in Sugartown:Click on the gear wheel icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Click on the Personal...
How do I download or delete my Data from Rollic games?
You can submit a data copy or deletion request by following a few simple steps:Tap the Gear Icon to open the Settings MenuTap the Priv...
How do I download or delete my data in Top Eleven?
You can request a copy of your game account data, by following a few simple steps:Tap on the Home button.Tap on the Settings button(gear ico...
How do I download or delete my data in Heroic?
You can request a copy of your game account data, by following a few simple steps: Tap on the H button or your Username in the upper-le...
Hvordan administrerer jeg varsler på iOS?
Du skrur av varslinger på en iOS-enhet (iPod, iPhone eller iPad) ved å følge fremgangsmåten under: Gå til InnstillingerGå til VarslerTrykk p...
Hvordan administrerer jeg varsler på Android?
Du administrere varslinger på Android-enheter (nettbrett eller telefoner) ved å følge fremgangsmåten under:(Obs! Instruksjoner kan variere l...
Hva er UID-en min for sosiale nettverk, og hvordan finner jeg den?
Bruker-ID-en din for sosiale nettverk er et unikt nummer som er tilordnet profilen din for sosiale nettverk (f.eks. Facebook).Zynga Support ...
Hvorfor fikk jeg opp et vindu som spurte meg om tillatelse til å spore meg?
Fikk du opp et vindu i spillet ditt som ba om tillatelse til tilpassede annonser på iOS-enheten din?Vi har samlet litt informasjon til deg h...
Hvordan administrerer jeg varsler på Amazon Fire?
Du kan justere varselsinnstillingene på Amazon Fire ved å følge disse trinnene (kan variere fra modell til modell):Sveip ned fra toppen av s...
Hvordan administrerer jeg varsler på Windows Phone?
Slik bytter du de generelle appvarslene på Windows Phone-enheter:På «Start» sveiper du til Applikasjoner-listenTrykk på «Innstillinger» >...
Hvorfor fikk jeg opp en melding om tillatelse etter å ha sett en video i spillet?
Fikk du opp denne meldingen? For mer detaljert informasjon om Unity, trykk på koblingen nedenfor: https://unity3d.com/legal/privacy-policyHv...
Hvordan finner jeg spiller-ID og PIN for Zyngagames.com?
Slik finner du spiller-ID og PIN for Zyngagames.com: 1. Trykk på profilbildet ditt og velg Forespørsel om personlig data. 2. Her f...
Hvordan finner jeg spiller-ID og PIN for Words With Friends Instant Games?
Trykk på tannhjulet for å gå til Innstillinger.Trykk på Forespørsel om spillerdata.Her ser du spiller-ID og P...
Hvordan laster jeg ned eller sletter mine data i Empires & Puzzles?
For å be om en kopi eller slette dine spillkontodata i Empires & Puzzles, tar du kontakt med Small Giant Games sin kundestøtte. Du gjør ...
How do I download or delete my data in Merge Dragons?
To request a copy of your game account data, follow these simple steps:1. Tap on the Settings icon.2. Scroll down to the bottom of the Game ...
How do I download or delete my data in Merge Gems?
To request a copy of your game account data, follow these simple steps:1. Tap on the Settings icon.2. Tap the Privacy Settings button.3. Tap...
How do I download or delete my data in Six?
To request a copy of your game account data, follow these simple steps:1. Tap on the Settings button.2. Tap the Privacy Settings button.3. T...
How do I download or delete my data in Paint Tower?
To request a copy of your game account data, follow these simple steps:1. Tap on the Settings icon.2. Tap the Privacy Settings button.3. Tap...
How do I download or delete my data in Merged?
To request a copy of your game account data, follow these simple steps:1. Tap on the Settings icon.2. Tap the Privacy Settings button.3. Tap...
How do I download or delete my data in Merge Farm?
To request a copy of your game account data, follow these simple steps:1. Tap on the Settings button.2. Tap the Privacy Settings button.3. T...
How do I download or delete my data in Merge Town?
To request a copy of your game account data, follow these simple steps:1. Tap on the Settings button.2. Tap the Privacy Settings button.3. T...
How do I download or delete my data in Bounzy?
To request a copy of your game account data, follow these simple steps:1. Tap on the Settings icon.2. Tap the Privacy Settings button.3. Tap...
How do I download or delete my data in 1010?
You can request a copy of your game account data by following a few simple steps. If you are on the older version, please follow...
How do I download or delete my data in Dragon Park?
To request a copy of your game account data, follow these simple steps:1. Tap the Settings icon.2. Tap the Privacy Settings option.4. Tap Sh...
How do I download or delete my data in Merge Kingdom?
To request a copy of your game account data, follow these simple steps:1. Tap the Settings icon.2. Tap the Privacy button.4. Tap Show My Dat...
How do I download or delete my data in Add Word Scroll?
You cannot use Zynga’s Personal Data Request Portal to request to download or delete data for Add Word Scroll, because the game is only avai...
How do I download or delete my data in Puzzle Combat?
To request a copy or to delete your game account data in Puzzle Combat, please contact Small Giant Games Customer Support. You can do thi...
How do I make a personal data request for Barista Life?
To make a personal data request for Barista Life, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https:...
How do I make a personal data request for Baseball Heroes?
To make a personal data request for Baseball Heroes, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":htt...
How do I make a personal data request for Build Roads?
To make a personal data request for Build Roads, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https:/...
How do I make a personal data request for Car Restoration 3D?
To make a personal data request for Car Restoration 3D, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":...
How do I make a personal data request for Cashier 3D?
You can submit a request to either download or delete your data for Cashier 3D by following a few simple steps:Tap the Gear Icon to open the...
How do I make a personal data request for Drive Thru 3D?
To make a personal data request for Drive Thru 3D, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https...
How do I make a personal data request for Fast Driver 3D?
To make a personal data request for Fast Driver 3D, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":http...
How do I make a personal data request for Fit And Squeeze?
To make a personal data request for Fit And Squeeze, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":htt...
How do I make a personal data request for Flipper Dunk?
To make a personal data request for Flipper Dunk, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https:...
How do I make a personal data request for Gear Race 3D?
To make a personal data request for Gear Race 3D, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https:...
How do I make a personal data request for Go Knots 3D?
To make a personal data request for Go Knots 3D, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https:/...
How do I make a personal data request for Gold Rush 3D?
To make a personal data request for Gold Rush 3D, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https:...
How do I make a personal data request for Gun Gang?
To make a personal data request for Gun Gang, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https://ww...
How do I make a personal data request for Joust Run?
To make a personal data request for Joust Run, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https://w...
How do I make a personal data request for Money Maker 3D - Print Cash?
To make a personal data request for Money Maker 3D - Print Cash, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Reque...
How do I make a personal data request for Oil Well Drilling?
To make a personal data request for Oil Well Drilling, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":h...
How do I make a personal data request for Onnect - Pair Matching Puzzle?
You can submit a request to either download or delete your data for Onnect - Pair Matching Puzzle by following a few simple steps:Tap the Ge...
How do I make a personal data request for Picker 3D?
To make a personal data request for Picker 3D, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https://w...
How do I make a personal data request for Repair Master 3D?
To make a personal data request for Repair Master 3D, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":ht...
How do I make a personal data request for Repair My Car!?
To make a personal data request for Repair My Car, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https...
How do I make a personal data request for Tangle Master 3D?
You can submit a request to either download or delete your data for Tangle Master 3D by following a few simple steps:Tap the Gear Icon to op...
How do I make a personal data request for Touchdrawn?
To make a personal data request for Touchdrawn, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https://...
How do I make a personal data request for Water Shooty?
To make a personal data request for Water Shooty, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https:...
How do I make a personal data request for Wheel Smash?
To make a personal data request for Wheel Smash, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https:/...
How do I make a personal data request for Wood Shop?
To make a personal data request for Wood Shop, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https://w...
How do I make a personal data request for Zero21 Solitaire?
To make a personal data request for Zero21 Solitaire, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":ht...
How do I make a personal data request for Anti Aircraft 3D?
To make a personal data request for Anti Aircraft 3D, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":ht...
How do I make a personal data request for Blob Runner 3D?
You can submit a request to either download or delete your data for Blob Runner 3D by following a few simple steps:Tap the Gear Icon to open...
How do I make a personal data request for Dodge Master?
To make a personal data request for Dodge Master, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https:...
How do I make a personal data request for High Heels?
You can submit a request to either download or delete your data for High Heels by following a few simple steps:Tap the Gear Icon to open the...
How do I make a personal data request for They Need You?
To make a personal data request for They Need You, please visit the following page and submit your request via the "Data Request Form":https...
How do I make a personal data request for Charge Champions?
To request a copy or to delete your game account data in Charge Champions, please contact Small Giant Games Customer Support at cc-support@s...
Hvorfor blir jeg bedt om å koble til Facebook igjen?
Til tross for at du tidligere har koblet til Facebook, kan du av og til bli bedt om å koble til på nytt, på grunn av en endring Facebook har...
Hvordan foretar jeg en forespørsel om personlig data for Top Troops!?
For å sende inn en forespørsel om data, avhengig av plasseringen din, sender du inn en forespørsel om å protestere, slette, begrense, korrig...
Hvordan foretar jeg en forespørsel om personlig data for Dragon City?
For å sende inn en forespørsel om data, avhengig av plasseringen din, sender du inn en forespørsel om å protestere, slette, begrense, korrig...
Hvordan foretar jeg en forespørsel om personlig data for Monster Legends?
For å sende inn en forespørsel om data, avhengig av plasseringen din, sender du inn en forespørsel om å protestere, slette, begrense, korrig...
Hvordan foretar jeg en forespørsel om personlig data for Two Dots?
For å sende inn en forespørsel om data, avhengig av plasseringen din, sender du inn en forespørsel om å protestere, slette, begrense, korrig...
Hvordan foretar jeg en forespørsel om personlig data for Tasty Town?
For å sende inn en forespørsel om data, avhengig av plasseringen din, sender du inn en forespørsel om å protestere, slette, begrense, korrig...
Hvordan foretar jeg en forespørsel om personlig data for World Chef?
For å sende inn en forespørsel om data, avhengig av plasseringen din, sender du inn en forespørsel om å protestere, slette, begrense, korrig...
Hvordan foretar jeg en forespørsel om personlig data for Word Life?
For å sende inn en forespørsel om data, avhengig av plasseringen din, sender du inn en forespørsel om å protestere, slette, begrense, korri...
How do I find my Player ID and PIN for FairyTiles?
To make a personal data request for FairyTiles on the Personal Data Request Portal (privacy.zynga.com), you will need your Player ID and PIN...
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