You may need to recognize whether you are looking at a new account or the wrong account, so please read over both sets of steps, as either may apply to you in retrieving your progress.
New Account / Level 1 Account / No progress
- Tap the PROFILE icon in the upper-left corner of the main screen.
- Tap SETTINGS in the lower-right corner of the screen.
- Tap the SIGN IN button.
- A LOG IN dialog will appear wherein you need to enter the email address associated with an existing/your preferred account you want to retrieve.
- An ENTER CODE dialog will appear wherein you must verify the account by entering the 6 DIGIT CODE sent to that email address. After that, tap the CONFIRM button. (You may tap the RESEND button if you didn’t get a code.)
- A RECOVER PROGRESS dialog will appear confirming if you want to recover the progress associated with the email address you have verified. Tap the RECOVER button to confirm.
- Wait for a few seconds, and your progress should be restored!
Connected to the Wrong Account
- Tap the PROFILE icon in the upper-left corner of the main screen.
- Tap SETTINGS in the lower-right corner of the screen.
- Tap the SIGNED IN button.
- A ZYNGA ACCOUNT dialog box appears, showing the email address that is currently logged in. Tap the LOGOUT button.
- A LOGGING OUT? dialog will appear. Tap the USE A DIFFERENT EMAIL button.
- A LOG IN dialog will appear wherein you need to enter the email address associated with an existing/your preferred account you want to retrieve.
- An ENTER CODE dialog will appear wherein you must verify the account by entering the 6 DIGIT CODE sent to that email address. After that, tap the CONFIRM button. (You may tap the RESEND button if you didn’t get a code.)
- A RECOVER PROGRESS dialog will appear confirming if you want to recover the progress associated with the email address you have verified. Tap the RECOVER button to confirm.
- Wait for a few seconds, and your progress should be restored!