With the island’s reputation growing by the minute, Kate and Domingo have focused on ensuring that the delicate, natural ecosystem is preserved without encroaching on the wildlife that has been there long before them.

To enlighten the members of the island and learn more about the natural hunters that roam the land, they have enlisted the help of Jack and Kerry Mcleod, promising them an exclusive scoop of the rare and elusive wild animals of the coast, for their new TV show.

Jack and Kerry will never miss the opportunity to document more of the island’s animals, and have returned with their trusty dog Laika to tag and learn more about these hunters, sharing the knowledge with Kate and Domingo in the process, to make sure the habitats, as well as the guests, are kept safe!

If you’re at least Level 9, you’ll receive a pop-up invitation for the Coastal Conservation which will start on June 3, 2024 and will end on June 13, 2024. You will need to force-close the game to see the update or even reboot your device.


Join Jack and Kerry Mcleod in making an exclusive coverage of the different species of wildlife that inhabit our island by tapping the Safari Camp that is placed near the beach area.

Each of the species in the collection will be attracted by a different kind of lure. There are three types of lures that you can either craft or find:

  • Seafarer’s Paella - You can attract Legged Reptiles with this lure.
  • Gecko - You can attract Serpents with this lure.
  • Trout - Attract Wild Cats with this lure.

When you have the lure that you need, drag it to one of the three Platforms to attract an animal.

Once the lure has been placed, a wild animal will show up. Tap the Start Tagging button to see what tasks you’ll need to do to “tag” it, i.e., add it to your collection.

Tag an animal by supplying items for it before the timer runs out and it disappears.

Once you have successfully tagged the wild animal, collect your rewards for a job well done!

Note: Some animals will return even if they have already been tagged. Go ahead and tag it again as this is a way to get lures for the Serpents and Wild Cats! Re-tagging Legged Reptiles is the only way to get lures for the Serpents, and re-tagging Serpents is the only way to get lures for the Wild Cats!

You will be tagging a total of thirteen (13) animals. So keep placing those lures and supplying items! You can view all the wild animals you’ll be looking for by tapping on Jack’s Map.

Unlock Unlimited Sunshine

Find all of the 13 animals on Jack’s list to win the Melanistic Jaguar. From the Store, place it on your island and get one hour of free unlimited Sunshine for 10 days!

If you tag all 13 animals in the Collection before the event timer runs out, you will unlock the Event Bonus to win exclusive bonus rewards!

Temporary Landmark: Enchanted Pool

Search the Enchanted Pool for event items that can be used to craft supplies to tag the wild animals.

Temporary Guides: Jack and Kerry Mcleod

You can hire Jack Mcleod and/or Kerry Mcleod as Temporary Guides to help you out during the event. They will give you a higher chance of finding rare ingredients.


Note: Jack and Kerry Mcleod are temporary guides, and will only stay on your island for the duration of the Coastal Conservation event.