iOS 18.2.1 版本的 iPad 支付问题 - 2025/1/17
更新(2025/1/29):Apple 已发布 iOS 18.3 软件更新。为了进行应用修复,请前往设置>通用>软件更新,将 iPad 软件更新至 iOS 18.3 版本。====================我们已知在 iOS 更新到 18.2.1 后,部分 iO...
Closure Announcement: Booray Plus
Dear Players,Thank you for playing Booray Plus.As of May 2nd, 2024, this game will no longer be available to play.Please check out some of o...
Closure Announcement: Match Rivals
Dear Players,Thank you for playing Match Rivals.As of May 2nd, 2024, this game will no longer be available to play.Please check out some of ...
自2022年10月1日起,我们不再通过机器翻译为以下游戏提供本地化玩家支持:Boggle with FriendsFarmVille 2 Tropic EscapeFarmVille 2 乡村度假FarmVille 2Wizard of Oz Magic MatchWonka's...
How do I get assistance with Zynga Turkey card games?
You can reach out to our Zynga Turkey support team for all requests related to our card games via the link below: https://zynga.m...